MagicCon 3 | Workshop | Die Dothraki und ihre Sprache
Die Dothraki und ihre Sprache
3. September 2018
MagicCon 3 | Workshop | Weltenbau: Fantasy-Settings
Weltenbau: Fantasy-Settings
13. September 2018
MagicCon 3 | Workshop | Die Dothraki und ihre Sprache
Die Dothraki und ihre Sprache
3. September 2018
MagicCon 3 | Workshop | Weltenbau: Fantasy-Settings
Weltenbau: Fantasy-Settings
13. September 2018
MagicCon 3 | Workshop | The Ring*Choir - Chor-Workshop

MagicCon 3 | Workshop | The Ring*Choir - Chor-Workshop

Attention, attention, dear singers and those aspiring to become singers! We are back at MagicCon and we’re bringing some music with us. If you like to delve deep into the musical world of the The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films, The Ring*Choir 2019 workshop is what you’ve been looking for. The workshop is open to all who like to sing or who would like to try out being in a choir. To take part, you need no previous knowledge, film-related or music-related, just come and join us.

MagicCon 3 | Workshop | The Ring*Choir - Chor-Workshop (Foto: Andreas Kinder)

MagicCon 3 | Workshop | The Ring*Choir – Chor-Workshop (Foto: Andreas Kinder)

The choir practices are set every day during the con for two hours each day plus an obligatory stage rehearsal on Sunday morning at 8 am. If you want to be on stage with us during the closing ceremony (providing we’ll be part of it), you need to have attended at least two out of the three daily rehearsals plus the stage rehearsal. To get photos and autographs, you can leave briefly any time during the practices. If you would rather not be on stage, you are still very welcome to join the workshop. After all, it’s about the fun and the music.

Make sure you register via e-mail (see info below) until 3 days before MagicCon 8 starts so that we can prepare enough folders.

Workshop leader: Sandra Meyer, Kerstin-Anja Münderlein
Max. attendance: None  -  Pre-registration at:
Fee: EUR 5,00  -  Duration: 2 hours a day min
The Workshop will be held in: german and english
Sandra and Kerstin-Anja have been avid connies for more than a decade. In their free time, they like to overindulge in the musical world of Howard Shore. After having participated in the choir workshop at RingCon for a few years, they took over the Ring*Choir in 2011. Every year again, they are looking forward to immersing themselves in the musical world of Middle Earth together with the participants of the choir workshop and take them and the audience on a new musical adventure. To offer the workshop properly, they invest a lot of their free time, be that at rehearsal weekends or musical boot camps. As usual, we're looking forward to meeting lots of new and old friends in the choir.

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