Vampires, i.e. Twilight? No!
12. July 2024
Fantasy series – Die Vagabunden
15. July 2024
MagicCon 7 | Vortrag | Fake-News in Mittelerde
Never before have Tolkien fans argued so often about the question of the “canon” or the so-called “lore” of Tolkien’s cosmos as in connection with the numerous adaptations, not least the Amazon series The Rings of Power. For many Middle-earth fans, Tolkien’s written word is set in stone and any deviation is sacrilege. Tolkien is the omniscient narrator who describes the events in Middle-earth as they happened.
Tolkien expert Stefan Servos questions these conventional interpretations and suggests that the truth behind the events may be different from what we previously assumed. J.R.R. Tolkien saw himself less as a creator and more as a chronicler of a world of which we only have various traditions that reflect the events in Middle-earth in a very subjective way. The author deliberately blurred the boundaries between truth and lies in his world. And the author hints that not everything in Middle-earth happened as it is described in The Lord of the Rings.
Lecturer: Stefan Servos
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanStefan Servos discovered his passion for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien as a child. He has been an active member of the German Tolkien Society for over 20 years and is passionate about role-playing games such as "Dungeons & Dragons" in his spare time, but can also be found at live role-playing games. In addition to his full-time work as a television author, the graduate journalist regularly writes for various online and print media. He has published numerous books, with his latest work "Unnützes Wissen für Tolkien-Fans" (Unuseful Knowledge for Tolkien Fans) becoming a real bestseller. He is considered the German expert on Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films and has already worked as a consultant for the German film distributor, helped with the dubbing of the films and attended film shoots in New Zealand. He was also on board as a Tolkien expert for the dubbing of the Amazon series The Rings of Power.