Hobbits in a bloodlust
21. May 2024
Women and magic in fantasy
25. May 2024
MagicCon 7 | Vortrag | Die Verlorenen der Herr der Ringe-Filme
More or less brave hobbits, noble high elves, humans of the most varied dispositions and a few beings of an unexplained nature. They all are or have lost in Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films when compared to Tolkien’s books.
Of course, movies are always an adaptation of a book and characters are sometimes omitted or reduced in importance. This often makes sense for the drama of the movie and for the audience’s understanding. And it also varies how much the characters are missed.
This talk introduces some characters who didn’t make it from The Lord of the Rings book into the Jackson trilogy (quite understandably in many cases). But we also look at characters who appear in both the book and the movie, but who have clearly lost importance.
Lecturer: Dr. Christian Weichmann
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanDr. Christian Weichmann studied physics and works as a technical software developer in the railroad sector. He lives in the Eifel near Lake Laach. But what is more important for MagicCon is that he is an early member of the German Tolkien Society. He is also a member of the Austrian, British and Dutch Tolkien Societies.
He has often given talks at cons and seminars on a wide variety of topics. He often tries to shed light on the non-Middle-earth aspects or the lesser-known works of Tolkien in order to counteract the sometimes somewhat one-sided view of the Professor.