Forged with Dragonfire
30. May 2024
Improv Hijinks – Impro-Workshop
4. July 2024
MagicCon 7 | Workshop | The Ring*Choir! 2024
Hardly any film works without its soundtrack. The music adds as much to the story as the visual plot and it can stir deep emotions in the audience. Some soundtracks, however, can do that much longer than the actual duration of the fil, such as Howard Shore’s Lord of the Rings and Hobbit. The music of the Shire or the Fellowship theme take us back Middle Earth anytime. But why use “canned music” to go on this adventure?
If you want to join a group of singers on their journey to Middle Earth, then the Ring*Choir is just what you are looking for. Anyone who is willing to give in to the music is welcome at the workshop. You don’t need any prior knowledge, but have to mind the following info:
The choir practices are set every day during the con for two hours each day plus an obligatory stage rehearsal on Sunday morning at 8 am. If you want to be on stage with us during the closing ceremony (providing we’ll be part of it), you need to have attended at least two out of the three daily rehearsals plus the stage rehearsal. To get photos and autographs, you can leave briefly any time during the practices. If you would rather not be on stage, you are still very welcome to join the workshop. After all, it’s about the fun and the music.
Make sure you register via e-mail (see info block) until 3 days before the con starts so that we can prepare enough folders.
Workshop leader: Dr. Kerstin-Anja Münderlein & Sandra Meyer
Max. attendance: None - Pre-registration at: chorworkshop@hotmail.deFee: EUR 5,00 - Duration: 120 min/day plus stage rehearsal min
The Workshop will be held in: german and english