Die Phileasson-Saga: König der Meere

MagicCon 6 | Vortrag (Lesung) | Die Phileasson-Saga: König der Meere | Robert Corvus

With Die Phileasson-Saga, Bernhard Hennen and Robert Corvus write one of Germany’s most successful fantasy series. In it, the greatest explorer and the greatest plunderer of their time battle for the title of König der Meere (King of the Seas). They circumnavigate the known world and set themselves twelve heroic tasks. In the process, they explore mystical places, face demons and sea serpents, fight robbers and man-eaters, and travel to enchanted elven lands.

Each of these tasks became a novel. König der Meere is the grand finale of the saga. Not only the two rivals compete against each other. The enemies they made during their journey are also coming to blows … The Phileasson readings actively involve the audience – not only in the form of questions and discussions. Also the legendary Thorwalerchor will resound on MagicCon 7 again!

Lecturer: Robert Corvus
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
With Robert Corvus we welcome one of Germany's most successful fantasy authors at MagicCon. He has financed a premium hardcover edition of his Die Schattenherren trilogy through crowdfunding. Titles such as Drachenmahr, Gezeiten der Macht and Die Schwertfeuer-Saga preceded it. He also writes for the world's greatest science fiction series, Perry Rhodan. Together with Bernhard Hennen, Robert is adapting one of the foundational adventure campaigns of the role-playing game The Dark Eye, Die Phileasson-Saga, as a twelve-part novel series.

Robert has been a full-time writer since 2013. Prior to that, writing was a hobby and avocation for 25 years. During that time, novels in the BattleTech and The Dark Eye universes appeared under his pseudonym Bernard Craw.

Robert was a soldier, management consultant and project manager in international corporations. He has backpacked around the world, made the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and taught karate. After stations in Münster and Sindelfingen, he now lives in Cologne.

Sources & additional links for Die Phileasson-Saga: König der Meere:

Website (Phileasson-Saga), Website (Author), YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch


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