Emerald Witches
23. August 2022
From Pryftan to Smaug
24. August 2022
Emerald Witches
23. August 2022
From Pryftan to Smaug
24. August 2022

MagicCon 5 | Vortrag | Natur und Wesen von Mittelerde | Dr. Christian Weichmann

“Nature and Beings of Middle-earth – Obscure and Surprising Things from Middle-earth”.

Last year another book with “new” texts by Tolkien was published: “Natur und Wesen von Mittelerde” (Nature and Beings of Middle-earth). The reactions to it were very divided. From “totally unreadable and uninteresting” and “suddenly I know that I am a fan of a madman” to “highly interesting, full of surprises”. And barring certain exaggerations, they’re all not entirely wrong.

The book is a collection of shorter texts on a wide variety of topics, such as the reproduction, aging, economics and children’s games of the Elves, descriptions of characters and lands, and telepathic communication. Of course, not all of them can be equally interesting. Who wants to know more about what is really in it and whether it is worth to take such a thick book in hand should come to this lecture.

Lecturer: Dr. Christian Weichmann
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Dr. Christian Weichmann has been a Tolkien and fantasy reader for a long time. Soon after its foundation he joined the German Tolkien Society. In this he was active as a board member for a long time.

And even now he represents it again and again as a lecturer or quiz master at events. In addition, he still contributes to the society's magazine "Der Flammifer von Westernis" and serves on the DTG's board of advisors. He is interested in the whole work of Tolkien, especially the things that are often overlooked in the shadow of The Lord of the Rings, and also in the person Tolkien.

He earns his bread and butter as a technical software developer in Bonn.

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