MagicCon 6 | Vortrag | Die Leitmotive von Mittelerde | Bernhard H. Heidkamp
Howard Shore’s soundtracks to the two Middle Earth trilogies The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit are legendary. Almost everyone knows the Shire theme, the Gondor fanfares, or the melancholy sounds of the dwarf song over the Misty Mountains.
But what about Eowyn’s theme? Does Gandalf have one? What is the difference between the themes for Erebor, Thorin, and the House of Durin? Who the heck is Conrad Pope and what does he have to do with all this?
These are questions that will be explored in the lecture The Guiding Themes of Middle Earth. A deeper look into the six soundtracks will be taken, discussing how the trilogies are connected, where they are not, and in part, how such a musical epic is created in the first place, from pencil and sheet music, to orchestral recordings, to the editing room.