Hogwarts – School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A huge magical castle in the vastness of the Scottish Highlands. But Hogwarts is much more than “just” the place where most of the Harry Potter saga takes place. There, magic oozes from every crack. Doors that you have to ask nicely if they open, too many secret passages to find them all in the seven years of school. But besides the students and teachers, countless ghosts float through the corridors, which are decorated with heaps of very vivid paintings. But do the ghosts and paintings have a more important task than giving more or less helpful directions to lost students? And what other inhabitants are there?
In the lecture The secrets of Hogwarts we want to find out how much Hogwarts really has a life of its own, how many residents the school has and how they all interact with each other. In the process, we’ll also look at whether the size of the castle matches the number of residents. After this lecture you will have a different view of the fat lady and understand the map of the rumrunner better.