Writing fables
21. March 2023
Writing fables
21. March 2023

MagicCon 6 | Vortrag | Cosplay Weathering | Hipsterfangirlfashion

Hipsterfangirlfashion, are back again! Also this year, in addition to the Cosplay Q&A, they come to the con with a lecture on a special topic: This time it’s about Weathering. What is that? The art of making new things look old! Very few characters in movies and series walk around with freshly purchased clothing, and so cosplayers:inside are faced with the question of how to make their manufactured costumes look registered, even though they are brand new. Whether it’s because a character is living in apocalyptic conditions, has been through some struggles, or is simply wearing a cherished piece of clothing for the hundredth time, this lecture will explain how to make things look old, dirty, or broken without rolling around in the dirt – and why good weathering enhances the quality of cosplay!

As always, there are no stupid questions! The three gals will give a talk on common techniques and tools, but have also scheduled time for general and specific questions about the topic.

You are also welcome to bring costume pieces for Jenny, Lea and Yavanna to look at on site.

The focus will be on the motto: “Cosplay is for EVERYONE!” Hipsterfangirlfashion is committed to making cosplay accessible to as many people as possible and explaining it easily for beginners.

The cosplay world is colorful, let’s make it a bit more colorful together!

Lecturer: Hipsterfangirlfashion
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Hipsterfangirlfashion, that's Jenny, Lea and Yavanna. Three young women who have made it their mission to make cosplay easy to understand and accessible to everyone. They have been regulars at conventions for many years and bring new talks and workshops every year. Whether it's a cosplay Q&A or a workshop on wigs, the topics are as diverse as the three of them.

When they are not cosplaying at a convention, they organize photo shoots, write articles for blogs or record podcast for Nerdizismus.de - they host the popular cosplay podcast "Nerdplay" and interview national and international cosplay stars there.

Sources & additional links for Cosplay Weathering:

Website (Nerdizismus Podcast), Instagram


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