Richard Armitage
12. June 2024
MagicCon 7 | Mistress of Ceremonies | Lori Dungey
Lori Dungey is pleased no end to be returning as “Mistress of Ceremonies” to MagicCon, her home away from home. She’s looking forward to more costumes, more delightful fans, more fab guests, more delicious beer and more Haribo. It will be great to catch up with familiar faces and meet some new friends. See you soon for MagicCon 7.
For the first time she came to RingCon as the lovely Mrs. Bracegirdle from the movie The Lord of the Rings. Once again we are looking forward to wonderful and unforgettable con moments.
Lori is an all-rounder; improviser, actress, writer, director and tutor who has been calling New Zealand her home for 26 years. She left the Vancouver Theatersports League to become artistic director of The Improvisors in Wellington and is now a JAFFA (Just Another Frickin’ Aucklander) and Creative Director at ConArtists. Lori Dungey has given her impro workshops in New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Germany, Singapore and Fiji. By the way, she last starred in the SF horror flick M3gan (2022).
The lively actress is the queen of improvisation and you can be sure that she will give her all again at MagicCon 8 in Bonn.
Appearance: On all convention days
Autograph: TBA - Photosession: EUR 25,00FedCon Send-In
You are not able to join MagicCon, you are too busy or on vacation, but although you wanna get an autograph of your beloved actor? For that we invented our Send-in-Service. In our nerd shop - The Space Store - you can either order a standard autograph on a high-gloss photo, or you can send us your item (photo, poster, book, DVD, etc.) and we will have it signed by the star at the event.