Cersei – Königin von Westeros
6. September 2018
Cosplay Q&A 2019
22. September 2018
MagicCon 3 | Vortrag | Najaden - Das Siegel des Meeres
Reading by Heike Knauber from her “High Fantasy” debut Najaden – Das Siegel des Meeres (Najaden – The Seal of the Sea), published in June 2018 by Blanvalet, Random House (ISBN: 978-3-7341-6143-8, 608 pages)
Flap text:
Sayaf and Khayam are brothers and the most powerful commanders of Aššu. Only they can still prevent the prophesied downfall of their empire by stealing the mysterious seal of the sea. But the brothers do not suspect that there is no confession hidden behind the sought-after artifact, but rather a young woman who will change not only her fate but that of her entire empire … Meliaé grows up with her father. A merchant who guards a precious secret that the enemy commanders cannot even snatch from him under torture. Shortly before Army Prince Sayaf can force Meliaé to reveal the mystery, she is kidnapped in the legendary Najadís. An empire that Meliaé only knows from legends – with its exotic islands of fire enthroned above a seabed that creates magically luminous stones. This is where their fate unfolds. Meliaé herself will bring Aššu to ruin. The young woman must decide: If she follows her destiny – or army lord Sayaf, to whom she feels drawn since her first encounter…