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MagicCon 3 | Vortrag | Sagenhaft Eifel!

MagicCon 3 | Vortrag | Sagenhaft Eifel!

The somewhat different fantasy fun with Christian Humberg and Anika Klüver

Why can only Americans cool mysticism, and the German serial makers produce one ollen provincial thriller after another? This was also the question asked by writer Christian Humberg (“Star Trek Prometheus”, “Geek Pray Love”) and he became active himself without further ado. In his new book series Sagenhaft Eifel! he brings (child-friendly) magic into the pampas and horror out into the countryside.

In the lecture of the same name Sagenhaft Eifel! at MagicCon 8 Christian Humberg and lecturer Anika Klüver explain the backgrounds of the series, illustrated congenially by Star Trek illustrator Martin Frei, tell anecdotes about truly bizarre reading trips … and take their listeners into the legendary world of the German nowhere. Because country air has never been so exciting!

Caution: This panel awakens the imagination and strains the laughter muscles!

MagicCon 3 | Vortrag | Sagenhaft Eifel! - book cover

MagicCon 3 | Vortrag | Sagenhaft Eifel! – book cover

Lecturer: Christian Humberg, Anika Klüver
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Christian Humberg writes novels, comics, plays and non-fiction books for children and adults and works as a translator and editor. His works have already been translated into seven languages and adapted for the stage several times. His monthly columns are published nationwide. On the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2015, he was awarded the "Deutscher Phantastik-Preis". Humberg lives in front of a PC monitor that blocks his view of Mainz Cathedral.

Anika Klüver lives and works in the Oberbergisches Land region and has been working as an author, translator and editor for various publishing houses since 2009. Among other things, she has translated Richard Castle's "Nikki-Heat" novels into German and worked as a translator on the new edition of Ian Fleming's works about the world's most famous secret agent. She has also edited or translated numerous Star Trek novels. For several years she has also been a member of the team of authors of the series of novels "Professor Zamorra - Der Meister des Übersinnlichen" published by Bastei Verlag since 1974.
When she's not saving the world with James Bond or flying through space with Captain Kirk, Anika Klüver also spends most of her private time in other worlds, both in written and cinematic form.

Sources & additional links for Sagenhaft Eifel!:


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