Magie für Fantasy-Geschichten
15. September 2018Engraving Glasses
2. October 2018From eye to toe – in cosplay, we often work with critical materials and constructions and play with our health. For example, everyone has already heard the horror stories of contact lenses that have been shared with friends – why this is not a good idea and how to deal with it properly, and many other topics that relate to your greatest treasure – your health – are well-founded and illustrated with case studies in this lecture.
The Medi Cosplay – Do’s & Don’ts lecture contains the following topics, depending on the framework:
- Contact lenses (Ophthalmology)
- Tightening/corset wear (breathing mechanics)
- Make-up and dentures (skin and infections, jaw mechanics)
- Joints and weights (orthopedics, primarily foot and shoulder belts)
- Con Survival (General)
- Occupational safety and crafting (occupational medicine, toxins)
This may sound complicated, but it’s a matter of fact, with some irony and easy to understand explanations, and participants are encouraged to engage in an active discussion or to report from their wealth of experience.
Persons under 16 years of age are not recommended to participate, due to the example cases of illnesses which may be the result of improper use of materials or lack of hygiene. Participation if then only in parent’s company and under the responsibility of the accompanying person.
At the end of the lecture, the participants will have the opportunity to ask questions in person.
Workshop leader: Vivien Schmidt
Max. attendance: TBA - Pre-registration at: TBAFee: TBA - Duration: 60 min
The Workshop will be held in: german - Material to be brought: 1 pair of ears, 1 pair of eyes, possibly pen and notepad with your most important questions, which can be discussed afterwards.