Steampunk thriller “Der Hüter”
28. November 2019Gotham Noir
11. January 2020As our Q&A showed last year, wigs are always a very popular topic among us cosplayers. Whether “Lace Front” or “Hard Front”, longhair or shorthair – there are many types of wigs and each has its pitfalls. Sometimes it’s hard to decide which wig is right for you.
But above all the care and styling of the wigs often raise questions. Also the optimal storage of the wigs is not so clear to everyone. This is exactly where we want to start and show you with our own examples how wigs can be styled (and how better not) or also how you care for them best.
During the lecture All about wigs at MagicCon 8 you are welcome to ask questions about wigs. Or you can bring your own wig with you. We will be happy to help you with your problems and answer any questions you may have.