Historical costumes in cosplays
5. February 2020
MagicCon 4 | Vortrag | Ein magischer Stammbaum | by Demiguys
A magical family tree
18. February 2020
Historical costumes in cosplays
5. February 2020
MagicCon 4 | Vortrag | Ein magischer Stammbaum | by Demiguys
A magical family tree
18. February 2020

MagicCon 4 | Vortrag | Risse in der Wirklichkeit | by Betty Finke

The so-called “Urban Fantasy” is today the most current and perhaps even most popular form of fantasy. Only a few years ago, thanks to “Twilight” and its numerous successors, the term was often reduced to the subgenre “vampire romance” and rather ridiculed. But today, “Urban Fantasy” is more present and successful than ever before, mainly due to its permanent presence on television. Series such as Stranger Things as well as fantasy thrillers in all variations (such as Lucifer) run on all channels and often with great success.

Despite all modernity, there is a long tradition behind them and a wider range of variations than one might think. Betty Finke’s lecture Cracks in reality at MagicCon 7 presents the different varieties of “Urban Fantasy” using examples from literature, film and TV, shows why they are so successful and covers the arc from the early beginnings with Lovecraft to current books, films and series.

Lecturer: Betty Finke
Duration: 45 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Who or what am I? A trained literary scholar, studied to become a teacher, but fortunately escaped this fate and instead works as a freelance author and translator. Fantasy fan since my school days, with a broad spectrum of interests without specific fandom affiliation, but with certain focal points (Tolkien, Harry Potter, Lovecraft, Scheibenwelt, Game of Thrones, Witcher).

Member of the German Tolkien Society and RingCon/HobbitCon/MagicCon visitor from the first hour. In the past years I have given numerous lectures on all three cons, which were very well received. My aim is to illuminate the motives of fantasy and its origins in an entertaining way and to introduce the audience to contexts and authors they may not know yet.

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