Fantasy TV series
20. February 2020Game of Thrones – the final season
4. July 2021Every genre has its archetypes: The elf belongs to fantasy like the robot to science fiction.
Beautiful, pointy-eared, long-haired, accurate with the bow and magically gifted on the one hand.
Metallic, callous, rational, laser-fast reasoning and optimized for its function on the other.
If elves and robots don’t have much in common at first glance, a closer look reveals similarities. They are long-lived, their thinking and ethics do not correspond to human conventions, but within their community and with their habitat they are closely connected. In the end, are they closer than they seem? For example, in terms of their dramaturgical function when it comes to writing novels?
Bestselling author Robert Corvus sheds light on this question in his talk Elf versus Robot.