Phileasson-Saga: Elfenkönig
22. February 2022
8. April 2022
Phileasson-Saga: Elfenkönig
22. February 2022
8. April 2022

MagicCon 5 | Vortrag | Naturgeister im echten Leben | Beatrice Belba

We all know elves, fairies, goblins, nymphs, dryads, dragons and the like from various fantasy stories, books, movies and so on, and they exert a strong fascination and attraction on us – otherwise there would not be conventions like this one.

But what if I told you that such creatures also exist in “real life”? Would you believe it? You can believe it!

They exist as energy beings all over the world. They are what we call nature spirits – and sometimes they incarnate.

How you can recognize such beings in incarnated form, what it is all about, what makes them, what other soul beings there are and what distinguishes all of them – all this you will learn in my lecture Nature spirits in real life.

I am sure, one or the other listener will be such a being – so let yourself be awakened and inspired!

Lecturer: Mary Cronos, Jan Gießmann
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Beatrice Belba is 42 years old and lives in Cologne, where she is self-employed as a professional cartomancer, astrologer and tarot teacher. She has over 20 years of Tarot experience and made this hobby her profession 8 years ago. Since then she regularly gives lectures at conventions, fairs & in esoteric stores and is also a member of the German Tolkien Society.

Furthermore you can attend a tarot training and also single courses in tarot and astrology with Beatrice. With her extensive knowledge of various other esoteric topics, she always offers a holistic spiritual consultation that is individually tailored to her clients.

You can also have your cards read by Beatrice at MagicCon: she will be available in the dealer room for short consultations in Tarot, Astrology and other areas throughout the weekend.

Sources & additional links for Nature spirits in real life:


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