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Nature spirits in real life
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MagicCon 5 | Lesung | Seelenwelten | Stefanie Karras

Seelenwelten – Reading by and with Stefanie Karras

You see the wisps of fog hanging in shreds in the dark treetops. It is the soft creaking of rotten branches behind you that makes your heart race. It makes you feel – something is there!

It calls for you, it reaches for you and you have only the choice to run away or to let yourself in. What would you do? What if the scratching on the walls is not your imagination after all? What if the whispering on the eerie nights of the full moon is not your imagination after all? Are you ready to get to the bottom of the invisible? Accompany me through my mysterious world – if you have the courage …

But would you be willing to risk everything? A loving family, a cozy home, a dream job – at first glance, author Lucy’s life is perfect. But she struggles, maintaining a facade every single day, until work on a very special book threatens to push her long-held secret to the surface. Lucy knows only the truth holds the possibility of finding the happiness on the inside that she already has on the outside. However, the truth can also cause her to lose everything for good …

Lecturer: Stefanie Karras
Duration: 90 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Stefanie Karras, born in Frankfurt (Oder), Brandenburg, is a person who stands firmly in life, which has repeatedly imposed severe trials on her. Never would anyone have suspected that just a woman like her, beyond the cold reality, would deal with issues that would not fit at all into the worldview of the rationalist.

Early in her life she sensed that something around her was different than it seemed at first glance. She just didn't know how to classify it. How could she? She was trapped in reality without having time to open up to what was so obviously looking for her. This world only opened up in adulthood and has since become part of an incredibly exciting life.

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