Die Schattenelfen-Saga
3. September 2022
Give lively readings
16. March 2023
Die Schattenelfen-Saga
3. September 2022
Give lively readings
16. March 2023

MagicCon 5 | Vortrag | Ring*Con & Co. - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte | Dirk & Mel & Julia

“Back to the roots” is the motto of the big anniversary panel Ring*Con & Co. – A success story. Join Dirk Bartholomä, Mel Eisele and Julia Piotrowski for a 20th anniversary presentation at MagicCon 5 that you definitely shouldn’t miss. Reminisce together about the last 20 years, see pictures of past cons and hear a story or two. Be curious …

Lecturer: Dirk & Mel & Julia
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

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