MagicCon 7 | Specials | Whisky Tastings
Whisky Tastings
1. June 2024
50.000 Orks Projekt
5. June 2024
MagicCon 7 | Specials | Whisky Tastings
Whisky Tastings
1. June 2024
50.000 Orks Projekt
5. June 2024

MagicCon 7 | Specials | Ghost's LockdowN

As part of the Ghost’S team, Natascha and Patrick set out on a quest – in search of answers from the afterlife. Here they investigated old sanatoriums, castles, palaces and places steeped in history for paranormal phenomena. During one of these investigations, the two investigators decided to go one step further.

In the new series Ghost’S “Lockdown”, what is probably the most successful format in the United States in the field of paranormal research has been brought back to life and brought to Germany. Here, the two go to the scariest places to be locked up for 72 hours. Last year saw the breakthrough in the USA thanks to the world’s largest and most successful paranormal streaming platform PARAFlixx.

Now you have the opportunity to experience the paranormal team up close and personal at MagicCon 7. You can expect an exclusive insight into the success story of the format as well as exclusive and never-before-seen content. Natascha and Patrick will also answer your questions and perhaps share an anecdote or two from their investigations.
Autograph and photo requests will of course be gladly fulfilled.

With our production "Lockdown", we, the German Ghosthunter team Ghost'S, have managed to bring the best-known and most successful format in the United States to Germany with the help of the original protagonists. In the meantime, our production has become indispensable both there and in Germany. Here we spend 72 hours in haunted places and push ourselves to our limits. We can also be found on AmazonFireTV and AppleTV.

Sources & additional links for Ghost’S “Lockdown”:

Website (LockdowN)

Facebook (Ghost'S)

Website (PARAFlixx)

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