Gawain – Lichtfalke
1. February 2020
Cracks in reality
13. February 2020
Gawain – Lichtfalke
1. February 2020
Cracks in reality
13. February 2020

MagicCon 4 | Vortrag | Historische Kostüme in Cosplays | by Katharina Stangl & Sophia Hitzler

Whether Outlander, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings or Sherlock Holmes and Downton Abbey: historical and historically inspired costumes are an important part of the cosplay scene. But they also always present a big hurdle, which can be very intimidating.

In this lecture you will be shown with interesting examples, how to proceed correctly with such a costume – from the right choice of fabric even to the correct historical underwear, for all those who want to know exactly! From tips for possible pattern research and websites with good working materials to some fun facts about minor and major costume mistakes in movies, this lecture will give you a little guide and above all take away the fear of sitting down to that one dress you always wanted to make. It will focus on the area from the Middle Ages to the 1920s and you are welcome to bring more specific questions.

Lecturer: Katharina Stangl & Sophia Hitzler
Duration: 90 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Sophia Hitzler and Katharina Stangl live in Jena and study a wild mix of art, history, art history, teaching and microbiology (what other combination?).

With an enthusiasm not only for cosplay but also for larp and history, historical costumes soon became a new passion. Besides an absurd knowledge of the different corset forms of about 500 years and the dubious ambition to be able to assign dresses to their decade of origin only through pictures, some dresses were created in the course of that time and above all one thing: A lot of experience.

Whether it's the perfect dress for the hobbit lady of today, a Victorian bustle for lizard ladies from Doctor Who, fantastic looking dresses from Westeros, a 1920s outfit for fantastic beasts or a baroque dress for Versailles: the two of them have meanwhile tinkered quite a bit together. The practical knowledge they have gathered over the last 10 years will now be shared.

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