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Game of Thrones – the final season
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MagicCon 4 | Vortrag | Game of Thrones - die Spin-offs | by Marion & Frank Müller

An excursion into the spin-offs of the cult series including House of the Dragon.

After the huge success of Game of Thones, it was clear that there would be one or more spin-offs.

In their presentation at MagicCon 7, Marion and Frank Müller shed light on the reasons why the first spin-off was not continued, provide information on the current spin-off House of The Dragon and take a look into the future of Game of Thrones.

Lecturer: Marion & Frank Müller
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Marion and Frank Müller, superfans and experts of the cult series Game of Thrones, have accompanied the various Game of Thrones exhibitions worldwide in their self-sewn costumes over the past 10 years.

They officially work with both Sky Germany and HBO, have been allowed to visit the filming locations in Northern Ireland and the studios in Belfast, and have co-hosted the Thrones Talks produced by Sky Germany.

On their Facebook page : "German Superfans-Game of Thrones" and on Instagram, they report on GoT events and provide useful information and tips on costumes, weapons, jewelry and props.

Since 2015, they have been passing on their knowledge to fans with their info booth, giving them an insight into the world of Westeros.

Sources & additional links for Game of Thrones – the Spin-offs:


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