Sagenhaft Eifel!
15. December 2018
Nafishur Praeludium
23. December 2018
MagicCon 3 | Vortrag | Nimael - Steine ewiger Macht
Reading from the book “Nimael – Steine ewiger Macht” (Nimael – Stones of Eternal Power) by and with Tobias Frey
(to be published in April 2019 by Talawah Verlag)
This is the prelude to a new all-age fantasy trilogy by the young student Nimael. He and his friends are kidnapped and forced to work in a quarry. But the masterminds are not at all interested in the mined rock, but pursue completely different, mysterious goals. While Nimael has to assert himself in his own group and in his new environment, his investigations lead him not only behind a mystery thousands of years old, but also into his own past. Soon an adventurous battle for the freedom and fate of all mankind begins.
The story was inspired by Otfried Preußler’s “Krabat”, but is much larger and moves in a completely different direction.