Program presentation: Fantasy Book Autumn 2023
6. September 2023
Der Sohn des Orkschamanen
13. June 2024
Program presentation: Fantasy Book Autumn 2023
6. September 2023
Der Sohn des Orkschamanen
13. June 2024

MagicCon 6 | Vortrag | PIPER VERLAG | Von Ketterdam bis nach Mystic Falls und zurück: Settings in Fantasy-Romanen

Settings in fantasy novels and what they do

A conversation with the authors Laura Labas, Carina Schnell and James A. Sullivan.

In this panel, three authors from Piper Verlag talk about how and why they choose the settings for their stories, how they do their research, and what the setting means for a story. Carina Schnell takes her readers to Edinburgh in her current urban fantasy novel Die Todesbotin, Laura Labas takes them to an elite university in the Bronwick Hall dilogy, and James A. Sullivan has directly created a whole new world full of magic for Die Chroniken von Beskadur. In addition to the discussion, the authors will read short scenes from their novels.

  Piper Verlag - Laura Labas: Bronwick Hall     Piper Verlag - James A. Sullivan: Das Orakel in der Fremde     Piper Verlag - James A. Sullivan: Das Erbe der Elfenmagierin     Piper Verlag - Carina Schnell: Die Todesbotin

Panel date (Subject to change):

Saturday / 10:00 h / Hall “Beethoven”

Signing sessions at the Piper Verlag booth (ground floor foyer):


11:00 h + 14:00 h: Laura Labas, Carina Schnell, James A. Sullivan


12:00 h + 15:00 h: Judith C. Vogt, Christian Vogt

Lecturer: Laura Labas, Carina Schnell, James A. Sullivan, Moderation: Piper Verlag
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Laura Labas was born in 1991 in the imperial city of Aachen. She lost herself in the written word at an early age and developed her own fantastic stories, which she shared with her friends. At the age of fourteen, she finished her first novel. By then, at the latest, she knew exactly what she wanted to do wanted to do for the rest of her life: create new worlds. Today, after earning her Master of Arts in English and in German Literature, she still writes with the greatest enthusiasm and love, delving into fantasy, drama, and romance.

Carina Schnell is a trained translator, speaks several languages and has lived in several countries. She loves writing new adult novels and fantasy with a big pinch of romance. She currently lives in Germany with her husband and cat in a cottage on the edge of a forest and is planning her next trip to her beloved Scottish Highlands.

James A. Sullivan was born in West Point (Highlands, New York) in 1974 and grew up in Germany. He studied English, German, and General Linguistics at the University of Cologne. Together with Bernhard Hennen, he wrote one of the most successful fantasy novels of all time, "Die Elfen".

Sources & additional links for From Ketterdam to Mystic Falls and back:

Website Laura Labas, Website Carina Schnell, Website James A. Sullivan

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