Analysis of Tolkien-Tarots
14. October 2017
From Fantasy to Reality
15. December 2017
MagicCon 2 | Vortrag | Trailer und Lesung zu Hatar Stygan by Uschi Zietsch
Trailer and reading by fantasy author Uschi Zietsch on the premiere of Hatar Stygan – Der dunkle Hass (Die Chroniken von Waldsee 6) on MagicCon. The Chronicles of Waldsee have inspired fantasy lovers for more than a decade. Six-digit sales were achieved in print, audio and eBook. The Chronicles are part of the “Träumenden Universums“ (Dreaming Universe) and so far consisted of a prehistory, a trilogy, two volumes and a short story.
With volume 6, the stories of the magical ancient world with its diverse peoples and beings find a furious finale, in which the threads of former secrets are reopened and interwoven. The circle closes: A distress call from the legendary empire of Ishgalad, which has long been completely isolated from other countries, reaches the Guardian of Waldsee – the dragon rider and sorcerer with divine roots, Halrid Falkon. A great danger grows in Ishgalad and Halrid Falkon’s dark past catches up with him….